
Dear Dr. Ferro,

I am writing to extend a very belated, but heartfelt thanks to you regarding the help you gave my daughter Kristina in May/June 2010. At that time, we came to you because our daughter was very sick. All the specialists we had seen could not diagnose what was wrong. You suspected advanced stage of Lyme Disease, but no doctor would take our concerns seriously.You met with Kristina and us for several hours. You were the only doctor who really listened and considered thoughtfully all the diverse symptoms she had. We remember the compelling procedure in which her blood was viewed under the microscope in your examining room. You showed us a live view of the "curly tailed" microorganisms that were destroying our daughter's red blood cells (perhaps the Lyme spirochetes). We often thought about your procedure and wondered if it could be a useful component of Lyme diagnosis. Your kindness and desire to help Kristina, in what, for our family, was a time of despair, meant the world to us. 

When your testing confirmed she was very ill, your support to her and me was so important as we began the long journey of her Lyme care. I told you at that time I would let you know how her Lyme treatment went. She finally finished her last course of antibiotics last fall. I apologize I could not honor my promise sooner, but it was hard to revisit this painful period in our family's life.

Kristina did end up being treated by Dr. Joseph Jemsek in Washington, D.C. (who you referred us to). Although he originally thought she might be adequately treated with oral antibiotics, her immune function and several other measures were unexpectedly poor. In addition, her neurological symptoms started to spiral very quickly. It became apparent she would need IV treatment. She had IV treatment with alternating antibiotics for 7 months. Tolerating the IV side effects and nausea was very hard, but her Lyme infection responded gradually. When IV treatment was completed, she took intermittent cycles of oral antibiotics for the next year and a half. She managed to graduate high school.

Kristina took a gap year before college to finish antimicrobial treatment for Erlichia and Babesia. In addition, we also sought treatment for hypothyroid issues. We found this is not uncommon with advanced Lyme, She developed a complicated thyroid "resistance". Even though her thyroid labs were only slightly low, she was functionally extremely hypothyroid. I found a specialist in NYC who worked with Kristina to determine the correct balance of Cytomel so she can function normally. Currently, her stamina improved, Kristina is without Lyme symptoms and is a college sophomore at Drexel University. At worst in hight school, due to cognitive fog, our daughter could barely focus to read and write. She is now on the dean's list with a triple major.

In closing, my husband and I wanted to convey our immense gratitude for your kindness, skill, patience, and thoughtful curiosity. We really want you to know how much your care mattered to her and to us at a really crucial time. Without your help, we would not have known where to start on Kristina's journey regarding her health.

With great thanks and appreciation,



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Advanced Health Solutions, PC

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