
During my senior year of high school, I began to develop severe cystic acne and facial redness. After seeing a variety of dermatologists, I was prescribed multiple rounds of antibiotics, facial creams, and laser treatments. Not only did my facial acne worsen, over the course of two additional years, I began to develop other health symptoms: Chronic infections, tooth enamel decay, fatigue, irritability, depression, intestinal inflammation, hair thinning, among many others. After visiting a total of 7 different medical doctors, not one was able to help me. 
Miraculously, a friend of mine mentioned Dr. Ferro and his practice. Truthfully, my life changed after seeing him. For the first time, I actually felt like someone cared about my situation, and was willing to fully investigate it until my health related issues were resolved. Dr. Ferro was my answer to many years of prayer. Through a variety of labs and tests, Dr. Ferro discovered I had intestinal inflammation, gut dysbiosis, multiple micronutrient deficiencies, severe intolerances/sensitivities to many foods (including gluten, dairy, and eggs), imbalances in methylation, among others. Today, my health is easily 90% better. 
Influenced by Dr. Ferro and his faithful work, I am pursuing a route in functional medicine. My goal is simply to help and educate others in their search for health related answers, exactly like Dr. Ferro does. 
Through the grace of God, Dr. Ferro has completely changed my life for the better, and I know he will change yours too. 
Stephen M



I am doing great on the hormones you suggested! I think adding extra E3 to my old 50:50 E2/E3 regimen made a huge difference (also better for cancer prevention, so, thank you!). Also, I switched from sublingual progesterone drops to a 200mg capsule, and that really settles down the headaches...I want to thank you for helping me out of the awful hormonal mess I was in last year! What a difference. I feel very confident referring people to you who have chronic illness issues. I can't say that about very many professionals!!!!



Just wanted to say Dr. Ferro did a great job. I was uncertain that diet was the cause of my mood swings, and lack of complete night sleep. After two months of guidance and supplements I am very close to being back to normal. Most important, my family is glad to have their old husband and dad back. Thanks again!

This 40 year old man was depressed, exhausted, could not sleep, and was having job and marital problems due to his health problems. In 6 weeks, all his symptoms have resolved with support to the stress glands of the body, new diet, and proper sleep.


I came to Dr. Ferro after having anxiety and panic attacks for over a year. I had tried anti-anxiety meds and still did not feel better. Through testing, we discovered that I had adrenal fatigue, which was causing my body to run on overdrive. It has been four months; I feel so much better! The supplements Dr. Ferro recommended have made such a big difference. I feel much better than I did on the other medicines. After retesting my levels, the results show that everything is greatly improving. So, not only do I feel better, but the test confirmed that I am much better. I am so thankful for Dr. Ferro, his commitment to helping me, and his methods of looking at what is really going on. Praise God!



Dr. Ferro has been a wonderful help to me as I tried to lose weight. My weight had plateaued and I had tried very hard to lose 10-15 pounds with healthy diet and lots of exercise, but had no success. After meeting with Dr. Ferro and explaining this to him, he suggested some blood work tests which determined that some of my hormones and thyroid levels were off and also that I had several food allergies that were hindering me. Dr. Ferro helped me correct my diet and provided supplements to correct the other issues and within less than 3 months I lose those 15 pounds I had struggled with for so long!

Thanks Dr. Ferro!!!



I first saw Dr. Ferro in May with what I thought at the time was a thyroid problem. I had symptoms of extreme fatigue and muscle weakness as well as dizziness with very low blood pressures. My thinking was very foggy and I was not sleeping well and was having some gastrointestinal symptoms as well. It did not take him long after reviewing the extensive history form I had filled out and speaking with me to discern that in fact it was probably not my thyroid that was causing my problems but more than likely I was experiencing severe Functional Hypoadrenia. I appreciated his thoroughness in wanting to rule out other potential problems that could also contribute to my symptoms, such as parasites and toxic metals. The tests he ordered for me did in fact show I had a parasite, some toxic metal in my urine, and most certainly low functioning adrenal glands. Even the simple measures he started me on before getting my test results helped some of the symptoms almost immediately. Then after a few weeks of following his proposed regimen very carefully, my symptoms gradually diminished. Now a few months later after repeating some of the tests and some fine tuning with my treatment, I no longer experience the fatigue, muscle weakness, dizziness, and my blood pressures are back to normal. I sleep very well now and have a much improved energy level. I am so grateful to Dr. Ferro and for all he has taught me about the adrenal glands and many other important aspects of my health.

Thank you, Dr. Ferro.



Dear Dr. Ferro,

Thank you so much for finding the perfect solution for me regarding the problem of female hormone replacement. I was suffering from 15-20 hot flashes per day and night. When I tried Osta Derm Progest Creme, the problem was COMPLETELY solved. I cannot tell you what a relief this was to me. Since I could not tolerate any other form of hormone replacement, this solution was especially meaningful.




After I came back from a missions trip to Panama I was very sick with an upset stomach, light headedness and dizziness, accompanied by chronic fatigue. We visited many doctors who were unable to diagnose my symptoms. I had blood taken numerous times, I had an MRI, as well as an open endoscopy. No one could find or diagnose my symptoms. We heard about Dr. Ferro through some friends and came here as a last resort. After one visit I was diagnosed with adrenal exhaustion and we discovered that I had parasites from my missions trip. It had completely depleted my immune system because I was sensitive to several foods that we were unaware of. I was treated with several natural medicines, and I was introduced to a new diet to build my immune system back up. After treatment, the parasites were gone and I felt 100% better. God has worked in many miraculous ways and I am so thankful for Dr. Ferro's faith.


In May 2007, my three year old daughter tested negative for Lyme's disease but was given antibiotics "just in case". She had been struggling for at least 6 months with dizziness, fatigue, stomach aches, headaches, and muscle aches, we could not find the source. After the recommended length of treatment she was still not feeling better. I asked my family doctor what to do next. They recommended a pediatric neurologist  who, in turn, recommended a spinal tap as her next form of evaluation. My daughter has already been through so much testing, and the MRI really put both of us over the top. I gave it a few months to see if her symptoms improved. They did not. I really wanted the spinal tap to be the last resort. I could not imagine such a little thing having to go through that. I began giving her probiotics on my own and "cat's claw", a natural herb that is supposed to help with symptoms of Lyme's Disease. Nothing seemed to help. In November 2007, we changed insurance plans and no one would pick Lauren up because of her history. In April of 2008 we finally were accepted into a state funded insurance plan for her. So in those months we just took a "break" from tests. However, her symptoms did not improve. I had wanted to try something "natural" before I scheduled the spinal tap. A friend recommended Dr. Ferro in the spring, he recommended some blood work and stool sample testing. We reviewed tests and it was amazing what we found! She was still struggling with tick bite issues that were never completely addressed. She had a virus, she was gluten intolerant, her iron levels were high, her magnesium levels were low. His comment to us  was, "no wonder she is not feeling well, but I think I can help". What a rush of reassurance that was. We needed help. Dr. Ferro recommended removing gluten from her diet, watching her iron intake, increasing her magnesium intake, and some other natural medicines to put in her diet. He said by the end of the summer she should be feeling better. We noticed an almost immediate difference in my daughter! She had her energy back, her muscle aches were almost nonexistent, her headaches were gone, her stomach aches were gone, her dizziness level was gone! And NO SPINAL TAP!! We are still taking medicine to get her levels back to a more normal reading, but they have improved tremendously. I have recommended Dr. Ferro to friends. I am so glad I made the phone call to him. My now five year old in October 2008 is feeling much better. Praise God!



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Advanced Health Solutions, PC

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