
Hi Dr. Ferro,

I had suffered with awful headaches and migraines my whole life. And I thought I had tried everything! I didn't have an unhealthy diet, and I exercised every now and then, but I was not on top my my game anymore. The two most obvious indicators for me were brain fog and a less than enthusiastic zest for life.

This feeling was affecting my work performance, and my general attitude, and I didn't like it!

I met with Dr. Anthony and we brainstormed all possible reasons, considered tests that could be done and identified which would be most sensible, generate the most results, and fit my budget. After receiving the results of some blood work and extensive food sensitivity testing, I have changed my diet and started taking some dietary supplements. I eliminated everything on the sensitivity list, including sugar, wheat, and dairy- it's been 5 months now. And I started exercising more regularly.

My energy levels are higher, haven't had a headache or migraine in 5 months, my thinking is clearer, and my metabolism must have corrected itself too because I lost 15 pounds!

If you feel like you're in the same place I was, Dr. Anthony will work with you in steps and stages that work for you, to figure this out. I highly recommend a consult!



I suffered from consistent headaches before becoming one of Dr. Ferro's patients. That was a mere three months ago and I am finally able to make it through a full day headache free! His work has been consistent from day one and I believe (from first- hand experience) that I will continue being headache free!


I was having headaches for a month straight. Me and my mother went to the regular family doctor and even the local hospital. I came here to Dr. Ferro and he found what was wrong with me very quickly. Je had my headaches gone in no time. I believe he really is a blessed man and I wish him the very best for how much he has helped me.


Jake had "intractable migraine" for one month. CT Scan, MRI, X-rays were all negative. He was on steroids, anti-seizure meds, muscle relaxers... all to no avail. One adjustment to the cranium, atlas, and several ribs took all the pain away in 24 hours! Praise God!


I'm 19 years old and I have been experiencing cluster migraines on a daily basis for almost two years. Medication, online remedies, or anything else wouldn't work. My mother suggested I see Dr. Ferro because she had heard of a friend going to him and it had worked. I had no idea if it would or not, but sure enough, after the first appointment, no migraines and it was the perfect time seeing as I started school again in the fall. He did great work and is very personable.



I came to Dr. Ferro after going to a different chiropractor and feeling like I was being taken for a ride. Dr. Ferro looked at my case very differently then the other office I went to. I came here to get help for chronic migraines that have made my life a living hell for six years. His background and personal experience with migraine pain (from his wife suffering from them) had him look at me as a different case then just back and neck issues. He really took the time to go through all measures of what could be causing my migraines. He gave me very helpful tips and different things to use to help my migraines subside. I came here with both migraines, as well as, back and neck pain. It's been only a couple weeks and I'm migraine free and my neck and back are 95% better! I would come back in a heart beat for any future problems and recommend him highly to anyone who is experiencing neck, back, or migraine pain.



I had terrible headaches starting in the base of the neck and going up the back of the head all the way to the front. I usually wake up in the mornings with them. Dr. Ferro helped me by adjusting the vertebrae in my neck and I, with the assistance of Dr. Ferro, changed my diet. I have not had a bad headache in four months and have lost twelve pounds in six months and feel 100% better.



In May 2007, my three year old daughter tested negative for Lyme's disease but was given antibiotics "just in case". She had been struggling for at least 6 months with dizziness, fatigue, stomach aches, headaches, and muscle aches, we could not find the source. After the recommended length of treatment she was still not feeling better. I asked my family doctor what to do next. They recommended a pediatric neurologist  who, in turn, recommended a spinal tap as her next form of evaluation. My daughter has already been through so much testing, and the MRI really put both of us over the top. I gave it a few months to see if her symptoms improved. They did not. I really wanted the spinal tap to be the last resort. I could not imagine such a little thing having to go through that. I began giving her probiotics on my own and "cat's claw", a natural herb that is supposed to help with symptoms of Lyme's Disease. Nothing seemed to help. In November 2007, we changed insurance plans and no one would pick Lauren up because of her history. In April of 2008 we finally were accepted into a state funded insurance plan for her. So in those months we just took a "break" from tests. However, her symptoms did not improve. I had wanted to try something "natural" before I scheduled the spinal tap. A friend recommended Dr. Ferro in the spring, he recommended some blood work and stool sample testing. We reviewed tests and it was amazing what we found! She was still struggling with tick bite issues that were never completely addressed. She had a virus, she was gluten intolerant, her iron levels were high, her magnesium levels were low. His comment to us  was, "no wonder she is not feeling well, but I think I can help". What a rush of reassurance that was. We needed help. Dr. Ferro recommended removing gluten from her diet, watching her iron intake, increasing her magnesium intake, and some other natural medicines to put in her diet. He said by the end of the summer she should be feeling better. We noticed an almost immediate difference in my daughter! She had her energy back, her muscle aches were almost nonexistent, her headaches were gone, her stomach aches were gone, her dizziness level was gone! And NO SPINAL TAP!! We are still taking medicine to get her levels back to a more normal reading, but they have improved tremendously. I have recommended Dr. Ferro to friends. I am so glad I made the phone call to him. My now five year old in October 2008 is feeling much better. Praise God!



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Advanced Health Solutions, PC

8:00am - 1:00pm 2:00pm - 5:00pm
10:00am - 1:00pm 2:00pm-7:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm 2:00pm - 6:00pm
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8:00am - 1:00pm 2:00pm - 5:00pm