
Dr. Ferro was highly recommended from my good friend. I had never gone to see a chiropractor before and I was really nervous. Dr. Ferro took the time to address my concerns and thoroughly explained what his thoughts were based on where I was feeling pain. Once I was assessed, his thoughts were correct and he had a plan to help me start healing. Within 3 visits over the course of 5 days, I was 75% back to my baseline. Dr. Ferro genuinely cares about the well-being of his patients. Your expertise and knowledge are exceptional! May God continue to bless the work of your hands. Thank you Dr. Ferro!

- Jenny P.

P.S. I'm now at 5/5 for my workouts for the week! Wahoo


Dr. Ferro,

Thank you for setting me straight. I have definitely seen improvement in my body since coming to you. You were instrumental in preparing my body for the master's training and competition. I felt great and performed well, even earning a 2nd place in forms. Thank you for being part of my team.


Marc J.

Marc is a 4th degree black belt


Dr. Ferro,

Being 6'4" tall and coming from a very athletic and active background, I've experienced back pain for the large part of my life. I've seen top caliber Nationally recognized Chiropractors in NYC, NJ, PA, and DC and without a doubt Dr. Ferro is the BEST Chiropractor I've seen. There have been times where I've barely been able to walk into his office and after his treatment I've been back to normal and pain free. Playing NCAA ice hockey in college took a toll on my back but Dr. Ferro has given me the ability to remain active and I can't thank him enough. For anyone who is experiencing back pain I highly recommend giving Dr. Ferro a call... you won't regret it.

Marc D.


Dr. Ferro,

I just wanted to thank you for all the help these past few months and let you know this pas weekend I had the best swim meet of my life and put myself in a good position to hopefully make NCAAs in March. None of this would've been possible without your help! I will see you again soon.

A sincere thank you,



Dr. Ferro

3 months ago, I was experiencing severe pain in my right leg, starting from my hip and back and spreading to my and ankle. Icing, reszting, and anti-inflammatories did not help. Since I didn't know where the pain was coming from, we didn't know what are should have been tested. Daily routines such as walking became difficult; and since I crack my joints so much, my mom thought something might have been out of line. I started visiting Dr. Ferro after a family member suggested that I see a chiropractor. Within 3 visits, I noticed a considerable improvement. Dr.Ferro explained how one source of pain led to another, and was able to provide relief. Now, I experience little to no pain at all. and with the aid of a brace and follow up visits, I know I can continue to be pain free. I am grateful for the help Dr. Ferro has given me and trust his opinion and expertise for my future health.



Dear Dr. Ferro and Staff,

How blessed I am to have come across your practice. I was one of those skeptics- always relying on my M.D. to heal my physical ailments. My husband hurt his back in June, he called a good friend who highly recommended Dr. Ferro. He left for his appointment hunched over in such extreme pain, and when he returned, he was standing straight  and had a smile on his face. Two months later, I hurt my back, and immediately went to my M.D. who put my on steroids, painkillers, and two weeks of rest. Three weeks later, I still had pain, I hadn't been able to exercise, I was depressed from the meds, and finally, FINALLY, my husband convinced me to go see Dr. Ferro. After ONE session, I could walk without limping. In three sessions, I was running again- and later this month I will be running a half marathon with my husband. I thank God, the staff, and Dr. Ferro for the wonderful gift of health and healing you offer. 




Dear Dr. Ferro

Just a few lines to let you know how much I appreciate the many visits to your office that helped me get rid of pain in my back and shoulders. I have been in your office so many times over the years since my daughter told me about you. You are a blessing to all.

Your patient and friend,



I was experiencing some pain in my lower back and neck and it was keeping me from sleeping so I decided to come to Dr. Ferro. After the first session I felt 100% better and my pain had gone away. It definitely works. Though I was a little worried at first, it really helped and I am glad I came.

Grateful Patient


When I started my visits with Dr. Ferro, I was suffering with a great deal of pain; some of which I had been living with for a long time. After a reasonable amount of time with him, including some alternative testing and pain management referral, I feel nearly 100% pain free and better than I have in at least a couple of years. His program for me also has included  a couple of nutritional supplements that have given me surprising results. I feel terrific, and know that his efforts and knowledge have made all the difference for me! Patience, persistence and Dr. Ferro are what I would recommend for anyone with physical discomfort or pain.



I had been experiencing neck pain radiating down both arms for five years after a slip and fall on a patch of ice that left me with two herniated disks. Two courses of physical therapy left the pain tolerable, but it had increased to the point where it hurt to wake up in the morning, hurt to sit at a desk all day, and generally left me miserable. Dr. Ferro gave me an honest assessment the first day I saw him. He said, "I may not be able to cure you, but I can help". After six weeks, I am amazed at how the pain has decreased. While it is not 100% gone and may never be, I can honestly say it's the best I've felt in the five years since the injury.



I came to Dr. Ferro suffering form pain in my left side of the neck, shoulder and extending down my left arm. My left arm and hand were weak and I experienced a pins and needle sensation in them often extending to total numbness. After treatment by Dr. Ferro, this problem has been corrected and I have none of these symptoms now. 

I also experienced lower back pain which has been a reoccurring problem since my early 20's. I am 43 now. Again, through Dr. Ferro's treatment, I am feeling now pain now. Physically, I have not felt this well in many years. I now sleep 6-8 hours at night straight through. Before  I was up 3-5 times a night.



For many years now, I have suffered from back pain. I was so used to my back aching that I kind of got used to it and just dealt with it. Finally, a good friend referred me to Dr. Ferro and I am so very glad that she did. He is such a kind and wonderful doctor. My pain disappeared almost instantly. I can honestly say just after a couple of visits my back causes me no more problems. Coming here has been such a positive experience and I am very thankful for Dr. Ferro's excellent care.



Our son was having problems with reoccurring fevers for about a year. The medical doctor tried antibiotics but that did not correct the problem. We were going to be sent to an Ear, Nose, Throat doctor. We chose to have Dr. Ferro evaluate him first. We are very grateful that we did because Dr. Ferro wa able to pinpoint the problem quickly. By following the treatment he "prescribed", we saw improvement within a month. We, including out son, are so thankful for the chiropractic/kinesiology care that Dr. Ferro has given him.



Dear Dr. Ferro,

I came to your clinic with right shoulder pain which also ran into my arm up to the thumb. I also had pain with raising my arm past a certain point. I was difficult to hold my arm in a certain position for an extended period of time. My x-ray showed calcified areas in the shoulder. Since the start of treatment, I have more range of motion, no pain, and am able to do all household and work related chores. I've been very faithful with the exercises, nutrition, and therapy prescribed. I'm doing very well and would recommend this care for similar conditions with enthusiasm.



I came to Dr. Ferro with a situation where I couldn't get up without assistance when I sat on the floor or ground, especially if I sat cross-legged. I suspected arthritis but x-rays showed none. Further examination showed weak muscles were the problem. After only three treatments, I no longer have any problem getting up. Before I received the treatments, I would pull myself up my holding onto a chair or table and then would have to stand there until the pain subsided and then could only walk with difficulty for the next few minutes. This is my first experience with a chiropractor and I am both pleased and amazed with the prompt results.



Dr. Ferro,

Thank you... if you hadn't treated my pain, I would have gone insane.. Thanks for the support, guidance, and referrals.. Your contribution in my life is nothing short of awesome!!

All the Best,



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5:00pm - 7:00pm


8:00am - 1:00pm

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Advanced Health Solutions, PC

8:00am - 1:00pm 2:00pm - 5:00pm
10:00am - 1:00pm 2:00pm-7:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm 2:00pm - 6:00pm
5:00pm - 7:00pm
8:00am - 1:00pm 2:00pm - 5:00pm