
Dear Dr. Ferro,

My family and I would like to thank you for  the help and care you have provided. My daughter came to you after two years of suffering with her GI system. She saw several doctors, specialists, and went through countless test with little help or answers. Several acquaintances and people we encountered highly recommended you and we now know why. It was not until she came to you that we finally felt that someone was listening to us, genuinely cared, and had a plan with getting her better. You thoroughly explained everything to us and educated us on the solution.

I am proud to say that my daughter is symptom free and doing wonderful after your proper protocol and treatment plan. She has now been able to returning to being a typical teenager, hanging out with friends, and eating out without worry. She also will be going away to college and able to pursue her dreams. I know this would not have been impossible without your help. It is a reality now because of you.

We want to thank you for everything you have done. We will continue to use you as a doctor for several medical and chiropractic needs. I will also continue to highly recommend you to whomever will listen. We will be forever grateful.

Thank you once again,



Hello Dr. Ferro,

Again I would like to thank you for discovering years ago, when hearing my condition, diagnosing, and testing for Celiac disease and gluten intolerance. Since 2018 when the results came back showing that I had Celiac's, and leaky gut I would like to share what has happened since cutting out gluten from my life.

-For years I had bad acne and didn't know where it was coming from. It would spark up often and I could never figure out a pattern. After cutting out gluten I no longer have acne, or cystic acne, like I did when I was eating gluten. My skin has cleared up dramatically.

-My digestion has improved greatly from cutting out gluten, and I don't get tired like I used to after having gluten, and can eat in greater proportions. My bowels, and stomach function better than before.

-Even being on dialysis, cutting out gluten has still helped increase my energy not having any brain fog after eating, joint pain, or sluggishness. I used to have my joints and body parts click, but that no longer really happens after I cut out gluten. I don't feel drained of energy after having food.

Just thought I would share my thoughts, and things that have improved my life from cutting out gluten.

Thank you,



During my senior year of high school, I began to develop severe cystic acne and facial redness. After seeing a variety of dermatologists, I was prescribed multiple rounds of antibiotics, facial creams, and laser treatments. Not only did my facial acne worsen, over the course of two additional years, I began to develop other health symptoms: Chronic infections, tooth enamel decay, fatigue, irritability, depression, intestinal inflammation, hair thinning, among many others. After visiting a total of 7 different medical doctors, not one was able to help me. 
Miraculously, a friend of mine mentioned Dr. Ferro and his practice. Truthfully, my life changed after seeing him. For the first time, I actually felt like someone cared about my situation, and was willing to fully investigate it until my health related issues were resolved. Dr. Ferro was my answer to many years of prayer. Through a variety of labs and tests, Dr. Ferro discovered I had intestinal inflammation, gut dysbiosis, multiple micronutrient deficiencies, severe intolerances/sensitivities to many foods (including gluten, dairy, and eggs), imbalances in methylation, among others. Today, my health is easily 90% better. 
Influenced by Dr. Ferro and his faithful work, I am pursuing a route in functional medicine. My goal is simply to help and educate others in their search for health related answers, exactly like Dr. Ferro does. 
Through the grace of God, Dr. Ferro has completely changed my life for the better, and I know he will change yours too. 
Stephen M


Dr Ferro saved me from bleeding to death!

I had been to the emergency room four times in six months suffering from internal bleeding. One such visit I was close to bleeding out. The hospitals and doctors were very competent. Many tests were run, but I received no answers as to the cause of my issues, nor a path forward to find and remediate the problem.

A good friend of ours recommend that I see a doctor who had helped her some twenty years prior. His name, of course, was Dr. Ferro. We (my wife and I) immediately sought an appointment with the good Doctor. That is when my life started to turn around. Dr. Ferro educated us in details of blood chemistry that we had not heard of before our first session. A battery of tests was ordered and when the results came back, Dr. Ferro put me on a path to healing my intestinal tract. Certain foods were eliminated from my diet such as Eggs and dairy. He put me on a regimen of supplements designed to remove harmful bacteria and to settle my intestines.

Today, some months after my first visit, we had a review of my blood and stool sample tests. I am in better shape than I have been in years. I no longer fear the possibility of bleeding out without warning. What a relief.

If your gut is a problem and you are not getting the right answers from the medical establishment, see Dr. Ferro as soon as you can.



I have spent the last thirty years with nearly constant stomach pain, diarrhea, gas, and bloating. Every meal brought another round of pain and a trip to the bathroom. The final straw was when I ate a meal at a company picnic and endured the extremely painful ramifications for three days straight. My husband then convinced me to talk to Dr. Anthony Ferro. I agreed and made an appointment. During that visit, Dr. Ferro gave me hope that life could be better, that I could eat food without crying later from the pain. I am happy to say that nine months of tests and treatment, I have never felt better. I can eat three meals a day with very few instances of discomfort. In fact, I actually enjoy eating now. I am so glad that I made that first appointment. Thank you, Dr. Ferro!


Very Satisfied Patient


I came to Dr. Ferro after colon surgery. I was having major digestive problems and had strength at all from not being able to eat. Within one week of seeing Dr. Ferro, I started to gain my strength back and was able to return to my daily life. Prior to seeing Dr. Ferro, I was going from doctor to doctor and not one was able to tell me what was wrong. Dr. Ferro had a plan for me on my first visit and after a few tests was able to help me even more and pinpoint my digestive problem even further. I am so happy that Dr. Ferro was recommended to me and I would recommend him to everyone. He has totally changed my health outlook in the future!


Dear Dr. Ferro

I would like to thank you so my for the tremendous  difference you have made to my health. I really feel much better. I was beginning to despair after seeing numerous gastroenterologists and specialists for years and still no definite improvement in my health. I was diagnosed with GERD and gastroparesis but none of the prescribed medications were having the desired effect. My stomach would bloat daily and I suffered from nausea frequently. 

After the initial consultation with him, it felt that finally, someone was listening and was going to try to treat the cause rather than the symptoms. Everything you said made so much sense. Also, I was very happy that the tests were non-invasive and easy to do. I had recently been through a week of invasive testing in hospital and I will reiterate that I was not happy with the  medication prescribed this was all to treat symptoms.

When I found from you that I had several food allergies and vitamin deficiencies along with a number of bacterial infections, I was relieved to know that at we were treating the cause.

Now several weeks into the treatment prescribed by you and avoiding foods that I am allergic to, I can honestly say that I feel like a new woman.

I am totally delighted with how I am feeling. I have more energy, do not feel nauseous and rarely have the severe bloating that I used to suffer from.

Thank you so much!



Dear Dr. Ferro,

I am very thankful for finding such a wonderful doctor and great staff. Feeling better is just wonderful- having thoughts of not getting better and feeling bad day after day is so discouraging. Stomach problems and upsetment and test after test... Finding Dr. Ferro was a blessing. I am now feeling better and can handle this problem easier. I can live with IBS with my medication and the encouragement from Dr. Ferro and his staff. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, and God Bless.



I have had digestive problems for the past five years. Three years ago I was hospitalized for these problems but I have not had any relief from my family physician and three specialists recommended by him (family physician). Dr. Ferro used his computer program to diagnose my problem and he put me on a regimen of a low stress diet combined with herbal supplements. The results have been fantastic! Prior to coming to Dr. Ferro, I was using 2-3 bottles of antacids a week and suffered from almost constant heartburn and gas. Since I have been treated by Dr. Ferro, I have not experienced any digestive problems and have not had to use any antacid. Overall, I cannot remember feeling this well. But perhaps, the thing I like the most about Dr. Ferro and his work is his total caring attitude. He does not pretend to be an all-knowing expert but looks at himself as an instrument used by God to help people get well. 



Dear Dr. Ferro

Thank you for all the help you provided in curing my stomach problems. For the first time in 15 years I can wear white pants, go out of the house and feel comfortable , and not worry my husband about having an accident while traveling. As I told you, since my problem started over 15 years ago, I have been to many doctors, some specializing in tropical diseases and gastroenterology, while others were our family doctors in various places we lived prior to moving to Savannah. None found the cause of my problem in spite of tests for allergies. Most said it was a problem of aging and I would have to live with it. Then my daughter sent me to see you, and I have been trouble free for over two months. All I can do is say thank you so much and I hope you continue helping others as you have helped me for many more years.

Sincerely yours,



For 35 years I suffered terribly. First, as a child, severe stomach pains and ulcers. Then came Irritable Bowl Syndrome. Next came Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrom. This left me with debilitating pain and exhaustion. I felt sick and toxic all the time, with often unbearable back pain. Dr. Ferro suggested I get tested for H-Pylori bacteria, which came back positive. After 2 months on his natural program, I feel wonderful for the first time since childhood! The stomach pains are completely gone. So is the IBS. The Fibromyalgia symptoms have reduced about 80%. I have energy and stamina, and don't feel toxic all the time anymore. All in 2 months! How much better will I continue to get? Time will tell. Dr. Ferro, you are my medical hero- thank you so much!!



In May 2007, my three year old daughter tested negative for Lyme's disease but was given antibiotics "just in case". She had been struggling for at least 6 months with dizziness, fatigue, stomach aches, headaches, and muscle aches, we could not find the source. After the recommended length of treatment she was still not feeling better. I asked my family doctor what to do next. They recommended a pediatric neurologist  who, in turn, recommended a spinal tap as her next form of evaluation. My daughter has already been through so much testing, and the MRI really put both of us over the top. I gave it a few months to see if her symptoms improved. They did not. I really wanted the spinal tap to be the last resort. I could not imagine such a little thing having to go through that. I began giving her probiotics on my own and "cat's claw", a natural herb that is supposed to help with symptoms of Lyme's Disease. Nothing seemed to help. In November 2007, we changed insurance plans and no one would pick Lauren up because of her history. In April of 2008 we finally were accepted into a state funded insurance plan for her. So in those months we just took a "break" from tests. However, her symptoms did not improve. I had wanted to try something "natural" before I scheduled the spinal tap. A friend recommended Dr. Ferro in the spring, he recommended some blood work and stool sample testing. We reviewed tests and it was amazing what we found! She was still struggling with tick bite issues that were never completely addressed. She had a virus, she was gluten intolerant, her iron levels were high, her magnesium levels were low. His comment to us  was, "no wonder she is not feeling well, but I think I can help". What a rush of reassurance that was. We needed help. Dr. Ferro recommended removing gluten from her diet, watching her iron intake, increasing her magnesium intake, and some other natural medicines to put in her diet. He said by the end of the summer she should be feeling better. We noticed an almost immediate difference in my daughter! She had her energy back, her muscle aches were almost nonexistent, her headaches were gone, her stomach aches were gone, her dizziness level was gone! And NO SPINAL TAP!! We are still taking medicine to get her levels back to a more normal reading, but they have improved tremendously. I have recommended Dr. Ferro to friends. I am so glad I made the phone call to him. My now five year old in October 2008 is feeling much better. Praise God!



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Advanced Health Solutions, PC

8:00am - 1:00pm 2:00pm - 5:00pm
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